Camel Cricket in Person's Hand

Catch of the Week: Local Camel Cricket Infestation

July 21, 2020

Our team at Preferred Pest Control received a call from homeowners in Johnston who had discovered a camel cricket infestation on their property. While you may have never heard of camel crickets, these pests are very common and can be found in all regions of the country. In fact, most of us have probably come across one of these critters, maybe a few dozen, in our lives and weren’t aware of it. Our experts want to ensure you are educated on camel crickets so that you can identify an infestation and confidently handle them properly.

What Are Camel Crickets?

Camel crickets get their name from their humped-back appearance. They’re also commonly referred to as cave crickets or spider crickets. However you choose to refer to them, we want to help you better understand these critters in case you ever come face-to-face with an infestation in or around your home.

Are Camel Crickets Harmful?

First and foremost, camel crickets are not dangerous or harmful in any way. Camel crickets aren’t known to carry any diseases, they don’t have fangs to bite and aren’t poisonous. If you come across a camel cricket, do not fear. The most these insects will do is leap – a defense mechanism used to scare off predators and alert other camel crickets of danger. However, these pests will pose quite a nuisance if they get inside your home.

What Do Camel Crickets Look Like?

Camel crickets are brown, light or dark, and can grow to around 13 to 33 mm in size. You can identify them from their rounded dorsal side. We’re all familiar with the sound crickets make. Camel crickets are unique in that they don’t actually make any noise. As mentioned above, their only defense mechanism is to leap using their long back legs. If you’re unsure of what bug is inside your home, we also provide free insect identification at Preferred Pest Control.

What Attracts Camel Crickets?

Camel crickets are found in all regions of the country, but when it comes to your property they are rather particular about where they choose to live. Camel crickets are attracted to moisture and humidity and are most often found in dark structures such as sheds, around buildings, under woodpiles and more. They will use their long antennae to navigate these dark areas, search for food and avoid predators.

These home invaders are typically found during the early months of summer through early autumn. If you suspect that camel crickets have entered your home, there are a few common places you should check for an infestation. These include basements, garages, bathrooms, crawl spaces and other dark areas with high levels of moisture and humidity. Camel crickets enter your home the same way as most insect invaders; through small cracks and crevices found in the foundation of your home, vents, windows, and even doors with damaged weather stripping. So be sure to check these common entry points to ensure they’re sealed properly.

Preventing a Camel Cricket Infestation

Camel crickets are very small and silent invaders making them difficult to spot until they’re already inside your home. There are some steps you can take to prevent camel crickets on your property:

  • Keep areas in your home dry and free of moisture.
  • Maintain a clean yard and move wood piles, garbage and debris out of your yard.
  • Don’t allow any vegetation to grow near the walls of your home.
  • Ensure all cracks are sealed around your home.
  • Seal all windows tightly and make sure they have proper screens.

Signs That You Have A Camel Cricket Infestation

Oftentimes when dealing with cricket infestations in a home, the first sign of the invasion is hearing the chirping sound males can make by rubbing their back legs together. However, we’ve established that camel crickets do not make a noise meaning there’s only one way to notice their presence and that is by physically seeing them. Because of their small size, this is no easy task. That’s why homeowners can begin by checking the common areas in a home we covered above.

How Preferred Pest Control Can Help Des Moines Area Homeowners

If you notice a camel cricket infestation in your home or you’re not sure which type of pest you’re dealing with, please call our team of specialists at Preferred Pest Control. Professional help is easily the most effective way of getting rid of your problem and ensuring it does not return. Call our exterminators at (515) 415-5550. Otherwise, schedule an appointment by visiting Preferred Pest Control online.

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