Yard Treatments for Ticks in Des Moines
Ticks have been a rising concern in recent years. There’s a heightened awareness of Lyme Disease, and Iowa’s tick populations continue to grow. Plus, these small and hard-to-see pests are a nuisance! Our Des Moines pest removal experts can help prevent ticks in your yard to ensure your family stays safe while enjoying the outdoors. Get in touch with Preferred Pest Control for effective yard treatments for ticks in Des Moines and surrounding communities.
Tick Control for Your Yard
Our experts have provided yard treatments for ticks in Iowa for years and utilize effective, industry-leading solutions that are safe for homeowners and pets. When you sign up for Preferred Pest Control’s yard treatments for ticks, you can rest assured knowing that you and your loved ones are safe and will enjoy a tick-free lawn all season long! We’ve considered everything regarding our tick yard control services, including how often we apply our treatments to ensure you’re getting maximum protection from these biting pests.

How often should you treat your yard for ticks?
Tick treatments should be applied every four to six weeks. At Preferred Pest Control, we provide yard treatments for ticks three times throughout the spring, summer and fall when ticks thrive and are on the hunt for hosts. Our treatments are long-lasting and scheduled regularly to ensure your yard is always protected and you can enjoy outdoor activities worry-free. If you’ve already signed up for our residential pest control services, you can easily add on our tick yard control option to your recurrent seasonal services.

Common Ticks in Iowa
There are three common species of ticks found in Iowa: the blacklegged tick, the American dog tick and the lone star tick. Each has a range of regions where it is most common, but all three can be found across the state.
- Blacklegged or Deer Tick – This tick is a notorious biting arachnid and gets its name for its dark legs. Blacklegged ticks are sometimes called deer ticks because their preferred host is an adult, white-tailed deer, which is also common in Iowa. Blacklegged ticks are small, flat and oval-shaped. Adults are only about the size of a sesame seed, making them very hard to notice. They are dark-reddish brown and have eight legs. This tick species prefers to live in wooded, brushy areas because they provide food and cover for white-footed mice, deer and other mammals. These areas also give the humidity ticks need to survive.
- American Dog or Wood Tick – In its early stages, this tick species feeds on small animals like chipmunks, rats and mice and becomes more attracted to larger mammals in its adult stage. American dog ticks nest along forest edges and in areas with little or no tree cover, such as grassy fields and scrubland, along walkways, sidewalks, and trails. Their abdomens have unique festoons around the edge and a decorated dorsal shield that helps distinguish them from other tick species.
- The Lone Star Tick – Female lone star ticks have a silver-white spot on their back, giving the species its name. These ticks are notorious for latching on to humans more than any other tick species found in Iowa. They are unique because they don’t carry Lyme Disease but can transmit bacteria that potentially lead to a meat allergy. The lone star tick lives in wooded areas, particularly in second-growth forests with thick underbrush, where white-tailed deer are the primary host for adults.
The Threat of Lyme Disease From Ticks
Warm weather in Iowa brings many pests out of hiding, but ticks are among the most prominent in recent years. Their populations continue to grow, and they can transmit deadly diseases to humans and pets, including Lyme Disease, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis and more.
There is an increasing awareness of Lyme Disease in Iowa due to the growing tick population, and many homeowners are rightfully concerned about avoiding ticks and getting rid of them in their yards! Humans, unfortunately, are a primary attraction to ticks because our blood provides a food source. Preferred Pest Control wants to be your partner in good peace of mind by keeping ticks away with regular, preventive tick control for your yard.
Prevent Ticks in Your Yard: Tick Control Tips
Tick yard control from our Des Moines pest removal experts will help eliminate ticks on your lawn, but preventing ticks is just as important! We’ve outlined some helpful tips to confidently prevent ticks in your yard throughout the summer. Overall, lawn maintenance is the number one way to make your yard unattractive to ticks, and these practices can help:
- Mow your lawn regularly. Ticks hide in tall grass and wait for a host to walk by so they can latch on. Keeping your lawn tidy will expose ticks and reduce the chance they latch on to you.
- Create a barrier around your yard. If you live near a densely wooded area, have a 3-foot barrier of stones or wood chips. Having some type of break in the grass to separate your yard makes it more difficult for ticks to quickly travel across your lawn since they can easily travel through grassy areas.
- Trim large bushes and extra foliage on your property. An overgrowth can extend into walkways and other areas where people or pets might brush up against them and have ticks latch on.
- Be mindful where you’re dwelling. Keep playground equipment, patio furniture and other highly-trafficked areas away from the edges of your yard, especially shaded areas with trees above where ticks will wait to attach onto people to claim a host.
- Make sure stacks of wood and other lawn items are tidy. Cleanliness prevents hiding spots for mice and other small mammals, which are common hosts for ticks. Keeping these things in sunny areas is another great way to prevent ticks in your yard since moisture and shade attract them.
Contact Preferred Pest Control For Effective Tick Control For Your Yard
If you’re feeling wary about ticks in your yard and want to learn more about our residential pest control services, give us a call at (515) 276-7277 to speak with a Preferred Pest team member! Or, schedule an appointment today and stay ahead of ticks on your property. We look forward to helping you enjoy a pest-free yard you can enjoy confidently this summer with regular tick control for your yard.